Sara, Regents Park

Julianne Miller currently teaches two of my three neurodiverse children. She first started working with Lulu during her time as head of SEN at King Alfred School and when Julianne left to set up her own practice, I felt that Lulu would benefit from continuing to work with in a private capacity. My son Raf has is now also working with Julianne.

I don’t feel it is necessary for me to qualify Julianne’s credentials nor expertise as these speak for themselves, however I would like to use this opportunity to talk about Julianne’s approach to teaching my two very different children

Lulu has been working with Julianne for a number of years. She has dyslexia and extremely slow processing skills. Julianne helped Lulu find ways of working that would help her overcome her particular challenges and turn her neurodiversity to her advantage. Aside from the practical, Julianne has helped instill in Lulu a confidence and love of learning and language. Lulu is a dedicated, diligent student. Julianne worked closely with her and as much as Lulu was willing and able to give, Julianne was there 100% of the time to engage and support her above and beyond her. This was invaluable particularly this year with all of its particular hurdles.

Lulu just passed her GCSE’s with all A’s and mainly A**. Her written essays were her strongest suits and she has developed a love of writing which she intends to develop.

My son Raf is a very different child from Lulu. He is highly intelligent with significant dyslexia and related neurodiversities. Raf is extremely discerning in who and how he engages with people. He doesn’t suffer neither fools nor falsity and can be quick to work out the easiest way to get the job done and get out of there. Julianne has forged a relationship with Raf based on mutual respect and understanding and is prepared to work with him in a way that is entirely tailor made for his sharp, enquiring mind. Raf actively enjoys spending time with Julianne, being pushed by her and feels very much in charge of his own learning with her.

For me this is her true magic. Julianne is interested in the child, finding out what makes them tick, what interests them, what challenges them and engaging with them honestly to bring out the best. She also gives them accountability and control which in my opinion is the basis of learning to learn.