Kate, 17

Julianne has completely changed the course of my life. My earliest memories of school are ones of frustration; my results never reflected the effort I put into my work. I couldn’t understand why things I found so difficult seemed to come naturally for everyone else. Then I met Julianne. She completely understands how my neurodiverse brain works and has helped me to realise that my academic struggles aren’t because I’m not intelligent enough, my brain just works differently to other people’s. After years of feeling inferior in a high-achieving school, this understanding, along with the practical support from Julianne, gave me a much needed confidence boost.

My family and I joke that Julianne speaks fluent Kate - she always knows where and why I’m struggling, and what support I need. She has taught me to revise effectively and efficiently, helped me with essay writing and given me strategies for time management, to name a few of the many ways she supports me.

Furthermore, Julianne identified ways in which I required extra help in school, and then was instrumental in getting the school to provide me with this support. My slow processing made GCSEs especially challenging, as I struggled to finish all the classwork, let alone understand the content during lessons. Julianne not only taught me the material herself, but also worked with my school to make sure that the teachers gave me notes from the lessons, allowing me to focus on understanding the content.

I am now taking my A Levels and am hoping to become a doctor. I can honestly say that without Julianne, I would never have dreamed of pursuing this route. I will always be hugely grateful to her for everything that she has done for me and my family.

Kate did get into medical school!!!